Tuesday, July 15, 2008



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So I leave Bingin in a few days. Today and yesterday it was absolutely flat. But the next few days should be pumping, so I'm stoked. And we go on a boat trip soon too!

The language barrier is interesting. They really sincerely want to help us and the Balinese work really hard. They are Hindu and they have statues and have offerings every day. They have never heard of Jesus so it's our job to tell them about Him. We give them clothes, food, and break the stereotype of rude surfers that travel through the area. They take our tracks and are really interested, and listen too. Our bibles are these mixture gospel Japanese cartoon comic books; I'm not too sure how well they reach the older crowd.

The food here is so-so. I'm eating a lot of things with eggs, like omelet's, pancakes, and there is a salad place down the beach - and sandwich place. Not bad. Every morning there is quiet time, meaning getting into the Bible and praying, for one hour, from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock and then there is group time for a couple hours. We discuss what we read and our plan for the day and then we do it! I'm in a group of 12 btw. I go to bed around 9 or 10 o'clock and wake up at 6 30 or 7 every morning. I sleep outside and i sleep really well. Overall I'm really maturing a lot in Christ because the amount of time throughout the day devoted to God.

Right now I'm ministering to this Balinese ice cream guy, he is 25 and his name is Erick. Also, a couple Ozzies came through and left already that I was talking to... and a pro surfer from NZ named Daisy is around and I'm ministering to her as well. And the people we are staying with!

Overall so far really awesome!

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