Friday, July 18, 2008


Aloha to all who receive this message! I am currently in Bali on a missions trip with Surfing the Nations, a organization that goes all around the world preaching Jesus Christ to wherever there are waves. The group goes places
like China and Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. Overall very organized and good group. This is their 11th trip to Bali.

I have been here since the beginning of July and I just finished my first
session of the trip. My group of 12 stayed at a coastal area called Bingin, a cliff side community serving the international tourists and surfers that surf waves like Padang Padang, Impossibles, Bingin, and Dreamland. The waves were pretty good - Bingin was absolutely sick barrels - reminded me of Big Rock or Cannons. Impossibles is a super fast left that is really hard to make. On the beach though, we ministered to the Balinese and Indonesian people and families working around. We gave out donations, bibles (Indonesian manga Gospels, actually), prayed for the community ALOT, and preached to them as well. Overall we made some good friends with Indonesians and international surfers around and the first part of our outreach was a success! This is definitely not a surf trip.

Oh yeah, we visited a monkey temple the other day and it was intense! Monkeys
are absolutely ridiculous and like to steal stuff. Haha. They also get very angry. Pictures will come soon.

Personally, I am much more devoted to God than ever before. Surfing the
Nations puts a tremendous amount of time building us up and preparing us throughout the entire trip. Honestly, it's unbelievable. Jonathan and I are doing fantastic. Glad I've got to spend my summer with him!

Now we head off on a boat for a week to Lombok (Desert Point!) and Sumbawa,
and a few other islands. We are outreaching to the people on the islands and the small unreached villages. We have heaps of donations and heaps of bibles to give out to the Indonesians. Please keep Jonathan and I in your prayers - and the rest of our group. There are 82 people all together, and 12 in our group, whom I am getting really close to.

Overall great outreach so far. Reply and you might get a gift!!!

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